These values help to govern the actions and direction of NLC. They serve as guardrails of our organization, helping us stay on course for the purposes we believe God has for New Life Church.
1. SALVATION: Good News is Gospel: (Mt 28:19) We strive to incorporate the Gospel message in our preaching, teaching, and daily witness. The Great Commission is at the forefront of all we do.
2. WORSHIP: True Worship or Bust: (Mt 4:24) Worship appears in many forms, however the only true worship comes from the heart and moves the spirit. We encourage the most sincere, enthusiastic expression of your devotion to the Lord in worship within the bounds of decency and order.
3. EXCELLENCE: Is That the Best We Can Do?: (Eccl 9:10) Since everything we do, even the insignificant, is done ‘as unto the Lord’, we strive to serve with excellence – by being on time, by having an excellent spirit, by superseding the expectations of our guests, and cooperating with the vision provided. We want our property and ministries to reflect how we feel about the Lord. Only the best we can do…will do.
4. SERVICE: Upward Growth Is Measured By Downward Mobility: (Lk 22:26) Service is vital to the success of any leader or church. The more we grow in Christ the easier it is to help the very least among us. Pride is the enemy of God, so we encourage humility that is manifest through the serving of others, especially the last, the lost and the least.
5. RELATIONSHIPS: Anything Living is Connected: (Jn 15:5,12) True life in Christ is manifest by our willingness to connect with the family of God in meaningful relationships. We encourage connection through Connect Groups and our Serve Team. Loyalty to the vision of the church in attitude and conversation is maintained through wholesome relationships. We have a formula for forgiveness from Mt 18.
6. DIVERSITY: Different is Good: (Rev 5:9) Diversity of culture, ethnicity, age, gender, religious/socio-economic backgrounds is a healthy sign for the church. Heaven is a diverse place and the church should be as well. We want to reflect the demographics of our community and thus encourage people from all walks to know the Lord and walk with us on this journey of life.
7. IDENTITY: We Will Be Known for What We Are ‘For’: (Lk 4:18) Often churches are known for all the things they stand against. We would rather bring a refreshing, uplifting approach. New Life Church is ‘for’ the salvation of the lost, ‘for’ the lifting of the fallen, ‘for’ the healing of the broken, ‘for’ the encouraging of the disenchanted, and ‘for’ the families in our community. We lift up the salvation of Jesus rather than using our platform as a place to constantly condemn.
8. GENEROSITY: Sowing and Reaping is an Inescapable Law: (2 Cor 9:6-8) The Bible teaches that what we sow we shall reap. Stewardship of time, talent, and treasure is the mandate of the believer. We believe financial stewardship is vital to the future of the church and is the responsibility of the believer. We understand tithing to be God’s plan of blessing our resources. Giving is not a matter of constraint, but a matter of the heart whereby the believer lives to assist the Kingdom in any way possible, including monetarily. We believe faithful giving into the storehouse (church) where you are fed is God’s plan.
9. HONOR: Honor is Our Culture: (1 Pet 2:17) Scripture reminds us to honor all men. When you place honor upon someone you elevate them to their rightful position. Within the church we honor the authority and leadership structure of this house. Flow of information and directives flow from the top down. Compliance is our way of honoring those in authority and of bringing blessings upon our church. We honor elders for their place in life. We honor every soul as they all are worth the same in God’s Kingdom.